Elephant Aware Economy

Current Enterprises

Building Capacity

Our Enterprises

Diyoveya Honey

Elephant Aware organic honey- bottled and produced in the Eastern Okavango Panhandle. Local farmers are using bees to protect their fields from elephants while also diversifying their livelihoods.

Seronga Craft Shop

An outlet for elephant aware artisans creating beautiful crafts in the Eastern Okavango Panhandle. Our crafts have a unique story which makes them special- elephants help us to sustainably harvest our materials and provide inspiration for our stunning designs!

Yikote Elephants

Producers of high-quality elephant patterned baskets based in Xaxao Village. Our intricately patterned elephant baskets are sought after locally and internationally.

Life with Elephants Tour Group

An Ecotourism enterprise based in Eretsha Village offering Elephant Aware cultural tours. Activities include mokoro rides, learning about Conservation Agriculture techniques, experiencing traditional dancing, donkey cart rides, visiting a local blacksmith and storytelling with the village elders.

Cultural Tours
To find out more